BOARD OF DIRECTORS TOP: WAYNE BUTLER, MIKE PARSELL, WAYNE PETERS BOARD MEMBER PROFILES Michael Hill The founder of Michael Hill Jeweller Limited in 1979. He is Chairman of the Board. He has more than 45 years of experience in the jewellery industry,including 10 years of management experience before establishing his own business. He was appointed to the Board in 1987. Member of Remuneration and Nominations sub-committees. Mike Parsell Chief Executive Officer of the Group,Mike spearheaded the Companys move into Australia in 1987. He has had extensive experience in the jewellery industry since 1976. Mike joined the Company in 1981 and was appointed to the Board in 1989,made joint Managing Director in 1995 and CEO in 2000. Gary Gwynne Non Executive & Independent Director. Gary has an extensive background in marketing,retailing and property development. He is currently a Director of Prime Retail Management,the operators of Dress Smart Factory Shopping Centres and a Director of Overland Footwear Company. He was appointed to the Board in February 1998. Member of the Audit,Remuneration and Nominations sub-committees. Wayne Peters Non Executive Director. Wayne,who is based in Australia, has 27 years of retailing and investment management experience. He is Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Peters MacGregor Capital Management Pty Ltd and Chairman of ASX listed Peters MacGregor Investments Ltd. Member of the Audit and Nominations subcommittees and Chairman of the Remuneration sub-committee, Wayne joined the board in February 1999. Murray Doyle Non Executive & Independent Director. Murray is a Director of Hirequip Limited and Wellington department store Kirkcaldie and Stains Limited. His previous experience was in the finance industry until 1998, when his stockbroking firm was purchased by Bankers Trust now Deutsche Bank.He is a member of the remuneration subcommittee and Chairman of the Audit sub-committee. Christine Hill Non Executive Director. Christine has been associated with the Company since its formation in in 1979 and has been closely involved with the artistic direction of the Groups store design and interior layouts over the years.Christine is a member of the Remuneration sub-committee,and joined the Board in 2001. Company Secretary - Wayne Butler Wayne has a financial background and has worked for the Company for 19 years. He has been Secretary of the Board since 1987. |
[ Overview | Performance Highlights | Chairman's Letter | Directors Report | Corporate Governance ] |