11 September 2006

Click Here to download the Report for the 3 Months Sales to 30 September 2006 (8.74KB PDF File)

24 August 2006

Click Here to download the Statement Of Segment Results (11KB PDF File)

Click Here to download the Preliminary Full Year Report Announcement (28KB PDF File)

Click Here to download the Full Year Power Point Presentation

March 2006

Click Here to download the Half Year Report for the Six Months Ended 31 December 2005 (916KB PDF File)

16 February 2006

Click Here to download the Chairman's Statement Dated 16 February 2006 (12KB PDF File)

Click Here to download the Statements Of Segmented Results (5.5KB PDF File)

Click Here to download the Notice Of Event Affecting Securities (11.7KB PDF File)

Click Here to download the Preliminary Full Year Report Announcement For Half Year Ended 31/12/05 (97KB PDF File)

Chairmans Statement

1. Profit Announcement

Michael Hill International has today announced a tax paid profit of $11.701m for the 6 months ended 31 December 2005 compared to $12.353m for the corresponding period.

The accounts for the 6 months ended 31 December 2005 have been prepared to IFRS standards including comparatives for the previous corresponding period.

The trading profit was achieved on trading revenue of $163.702m up 5.7% on the corresponding period last year of $154.828m.

Major items contributing to the result for the 6 months were:
- Australian same store sales being 2.4% down for the six months period ($2,152,672).
- A change in accounting treatment for bonuses whereby annual bonuses are now accrued at the half year whereas previously they were accrued at the end of the financial year. This has resulted in a reduction in group profit by approximately $700,000 after tax compared to last year.

New Zealand Retail Operations
The New Zealand retail segment increased its revenue by 0.1% to $49.102m for the six months with earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of $6.579m, compared to $7.044m for the corresponding period.

Same store sales during the 6 months increased by 1.5%.

EBIT as a percentage of revenue decreased from 14.4% to 13.4%.

Total stores operating in New Zealand at 31 December 2005 were 47.

Australian Retail Operations
The Australian Company improved its revenue by 6.0% to NZ$107.003m for the 6 month period with EBIT of NZ$11.911 compared to NZ$13.042m for the corresponding period. In Australian dollars, total revenue improved 6.0% with same store sales down 2.4% for the six months.

EBIT as a percentage of revenue decreased from 12.9% to 11.1%.

12 new stores were opened in Australia during the period, as follows:

Innaloo in Western Australia
St Ives in Sydney, New South Wales
Merrylands, Sydney, New South Wales
Elizabeth Shopping Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
Glendale, Central Coast, New South Wales
Plumpton, New South Wales
Southgate, Sydney, New South Wales
Bayside North, Frankston, Victoria
Helensvale, Gold Coast, Queensland
Arndale, South Australia
Mandurah, Western Australia
Tea Tree Plaza, South Australia

In total there were 114 stores operating in Australia as at 31 December 2005.
The exchange rate used for the translation of the Australian surplus was .92 (2004 - 0.92).

Canadian Retail Operations
The Canadian operation improved its revenue 60.8% for the 6 months to NZ$7.487m. In Canadian dollars total revenue improved 55.2% and same stores sales increased 6.3% for the six months.

There was an operating profit of NZ$0.003m for the 6 months compared to a loss of NZ$0.220m the previous year.

Three new stores were opened during the period:
Woodgrove, British Columbia
Cottonwood, British Columbia
Cherry Lane, British Columbia

The total number of stores open at 31 December 2005 was 10.

The exchange rate used for the translation of the Canadian loss was 0.82 (2004 0.85).

2. Interim Dividend

The Directors are pleased to announce an interim dividend of 9¢ per share (2005 -9¢), with full imputation credits attached for New Zealand shareholders and full franking credits for Australian shareholders. The dividend will be paid on 3rd April 2006 with the record date being Friday 24 March 2006.

3. Cash Flows / Balance Sheets

The Group has reported net operating cash flows of $15.952m for the 6 months, compared to $7.597m for the previous year.

The Groups balance sheet is very sound with an equity ratio of 44.9% (2004 41.9%) as at 31 December 2005 and a working capital ratio of 2.8:1 (2004 2.9:1).

4. Summary

The Groups philosophy of controlled profitable growth will continue and further new stores are being evaluated for all three countries as opportunities arise.

The Directors remain confident in the continued growth and profitability of the group.

R.M. Hill

6 Months Trading Update to 31 December 2005

Group sales for the December half year have been adversely affected by difficult trading conditions especially in Australia during the key Christmas trading period.

Same store sales in Australia for the December quarter were down 4.3% (5.3% in $AUD) on last year.

This has resulted in the 6 month (same store) sales being as follows:

New Zealand sales 1.6% up on last year.
Australian sales 2.3% down on last year.
Canadian sales 9.9% up on last year.

As a result, group net profit after tax for the 6 months ended 31 December 2005 is now expected to be in the range of $10.500m to $11.500m.

This forecast profit is based on the implementation of the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that MHI has adopted from 1/7/05. The published net profit for the 6 months to 31 December 2004 of $12.182 million is currently being restated to conform to IFRS. Full details of the 6 months results with comparatives conforming to IFRS will be released on February 16.


10 January 2006

All enquiries to Mike Parsell, CEO, 00

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